2019-01 至 今, 湖南农业大学, 4188云顶集团, 副教授
2014-01 至 2018-12, 湖南农业大学, 4188云顶集团, 讲师
2013-04 至 2013-10, 美国俄亥俄州立大学, 植物病理系, 访问学者
2011-03 至 2013-03, 中国农业科学院, 植物保护研究所, 客座研究
2008-11 至 2009-09, 美国俄亥俄州立大学, 植物病理系, 访问学者
2010-09 至 2013-12, 湖南农业大学, 作物遗传育种, 博士
2006-09 至 2009-12, 湖南农业大学, 作物遗传育种, 硕士
2002-09 至 2006-06, 湖南农业大学, 农学, 学士
1、曹煜东,肖湘谊,叶乃忠,丁晓雯,易晓璇,刘金灵*,肖应辉*. 生长素调控因子OsGRF4协同调控水稻粒形和稻瘟病抗性, 中国水稻科学, 2021, 35(6): 629-638.
2、周小龙,林晋军,姚威,瞿媛,李冰,丁晓雯,刘雄伦,肖应辉,刘金灵*. 利用水稻重组自交系群体定位分蘖数性状的QTL. 分子植物育种 2019,17(23): 7770-7777.
3、肖湘谊, 史学涛, 盛浩闻, 刘金灵*, 肖应辉*. 水稻抗稻瘟病基因Pi47的精细定位和候选基因分析. 作物学报2018, 44(7): 977-987.
4、Dan Wang, Jinling Liu, Chenggang Li, Houxiang Kang, Yue Wang, Xinqiu Tan, Minghao Liu, Yufei Deng, Zhilong Wang, Yong Liu, Deyong Zhang, Yinghui Xiao, and Guo-Liang Wang. Genome-wide association mapping of cold tolerance genes at the seedling stage in rice. Rice 2016 (2016) 9:61(Co-first author).
5、Jinling Liu, Chan Ho Park, Feng He, Minoru Nagano, Mo Wang, Maria Bellizzi, Kai Zhang, Xiaoshan Zeng, Wende Liu, Yuese Ning, Yoji Kawano, Guo-Liang Wang. The RhoGAP SPIN6 directly associates with SPL11 and OsRac1 and negatively regulates programmed cell death and innate immunity in rice. PLOS Pathogens 2015, 11(2): e1004629.
6、Wende Liu, Jinling Liu, Lindsay Triplett, Jan E. Leach, and Guo-Liang Wang*. Novel insights into rice innate immunity against bacterial and fungal pathogens. Annual Review of Phytopathology 2014, 52:213-241.
7、Jinling Liu, Wei Li, Yuese Ning, Gautam Shirekar, Xuli Wang, Liangying Dai, Zhilong Wang, Wende Liu and Guo-Liang Wang. The U-box E3 ligase SPL11/PUB13 is a convergence point of defense and flowering signaling in plants. Plant Physiology 2012, 160:28-37.
8、Jinling Liu, Yajun Hu, Yuese Ning, Nan Jiang, Jun Wu, Jong-Seon Jeon, Yinghui Xiao, Liangying Dai, Xionglun Liu, and Guo-Liang Wang. Genetic variation and evolutionary forces of the Pi9 blast resistance locus in the AA genome Oryza species. Journal of Plant Biology 2011,54 (10): 294-302.
9、Jinling Liu, Xuejun Wang, Thomas Mitchell, Yajun Hu, Liangying Dai*, and Guo-Liang Wang. Recent progress and understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the rice–Magnaporthe oryzae interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology 2010, 11(3): 419-427.
10、Jinling Liu, Xionglun Liu, Liangying Dai, Guoliang Wang. Recent progress in elucidating the structure, function and evolution of disease resistance genes in plants. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2007, 34 (9):765-776.
1、刘金灵,贺治洲,刘雄伦,江南,王国梁,姚奕,梁毅,李继明. 湘农184(水稻品种), CNA20180166.6, 植物新品种权,2020
2、刘金灵,石彦龙,刘雄伦,江南,周亚哲,贺治洲. 湘农大194B(水稻品种), CNA20191000166, 植物新品种权,2020
3、刘金灵,李永聪,刘雄伦,肖应辉,周小龙, 匡博文,罗秋红. 水稻抗稻瘟病Pi9基因的共显性功能分子标记Pi9InDel2及其应用, 发明专利,2020
4、刘雄伦,刘金灵,李永聪,周小龙,肖应辉,黄俊,姚威. 水稻抗稻瘟病Pi9基因的共显性功能分子标记Pi9InDel1及其应用, 发明专利,2020